OpenPMF 4.0 at NIST IAM Workshop

ObjectSecurity Presented OpenPMF Auditor at NIST Conference January 23, 2019, Gaithersburg, MD. ObjectSecurity presented OpenPMF's security policy automation and testing capabilities at NIST's "Identity Management & Access Control in Multiclouds Workshop and Conference" January 22-24, 2019, in Gaithersburg, MD. ObjectSecurity OpenPMF Security Policy Automation helps orchestrate cyber defenses by configuring rich technical [...]

By |December 19th, 2019|DO NOT SHOW ON FRONT PAGE, General, MIGRATED, OpenPMF|Comments Off on OpenPMF 4.0 at NIST IAM Workshop

Funded opportunity: OpenPMF for USAF

Military/Government Feasibility Study of OpenPMF™ Security Policy Automation We have a current (August/September 2018) funded opportunity for anyone here with good existing inroads into Air Force. Please only contact me if you have existing inroads. We need short-term results, so we don't need cold-calling etc. We also have already contacted a lot of [...]

By |August 10th, 2018|Company news, Customer Case, Customer success stories, General, MIGRATED, OpenPMF|Comments Off on Funded opportunity: OpenPMF for USAF

Security Policy Automation for the IIoT

ObjectSecurity’s innovative OpenPMF cloud and/or on-premises product technically enforces powerful security policies effortlessly across what we call generically “interconnected IT landscapes”. These can be desktops and servers across enterprise networks, but often are interconnected device landscapes that are today referred to as IIoT, the Industrial internet of Things. There are multiple challenges with enforcing [...]

By |May 30th, 2017|Cyber Security, IIoT, IoT security, MIGRATED, OpenPMF|Comments Off on Security Policy Automation for the IIoT

What is Security Policy Automation?

Today’s information age would have felt like out of a sci-fi movie to someone 20 years ago. More data has been created in the past two years than in the entire previous history of the human race. 1.7MB of data is created for every human per second. Within 4 years, we will have generated [...]

By |March 30th, 2017|ABAC, Access control, Education, General, IoT security, MIGRATED, OpenPMF, PBAC, Security Policy Automation|Comments Off on What is Security Policy Automation?

OpenPMF 4.0 Launch RSA 2017 Recap

Thanks everyone who came to our launch events, we are humbled by all the great feedback we got for our new OpenPMF 4.0 version! Our launch was successful and well visited by cybersecurity leaders, professionals and press from around the world. The OpenPMF 4.0 Security Policy Automation launch included  a series of educational launch events where we [...]

By |March 6th, 2017|Company news, Events, MIGRATED, OpenPMF|Comments Off on OpenPMF 4.0 Launch RSA 2017 Recap

CyberSecurity and the C-Suite in 2017. Interview with Ulrich Lang, CEO/Founder ObjectSecurity

The number one IT expense in 2017 is predicted to be cybersecurity. Gartner expects the market to reach one trillion dollars by 2020, and according to the Harvard Business Review cybersecurity will be the fourth most important item that will be discussed in the boardroom in 2017 —  right after corporate strategy, political changes and shareholder [...]

By |February 19th, 2017|Events, General, MIGRATED, OpenPMF, Video|Comments Off on CyberSecurity and the C-Suite in 2017. Interview with Ulrich Lang, CEO/Founder ObjectSecurity

OpenPMF v4.0 Launch Events

ObjectSecurity is proud to release OpenPMF 4.0, a major new product version in mid-February 2017. ObjectSecurity invites you to the OpenPMF 4.0 launch events during RSA Expo week (Feb 13 & 14, 2017) and to our virtual online launch event. ObjectSecurity invites you to the OpenPMF 4.0 launch events, which will be held at Elan Event Venue [...]

OpenPMF 4.0 Explainer & Demo Videos

In this video, ObjectSecurity founder & CEO Dr. Ulrich Lang explains and showcases the major new release 4.0 of our OpenPMF product.  OpenPMF™ makes security policy manageable through automation. It gives you powerful security policy implementation that is also effortless to manage. It allows you to improve protection, monitoring, testing, and documenting – for your information, [...]

By |December 14th, 2016|Access control, Company news, General, MIGRATED, Model-driven security, OpenPMF|Comments Off on OpenPMF 4.0 Explainer & Demo Videos

What is Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)?

Attribute based access control (ABAC) is a different approach to access control in which access rights are granted through the use of policies made up of attributes working together. ABAC uses attributes as the building blocks to define feature-rich access control rules and access requests. An example standard to do ABAC is the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML). [...]

By |November 25th, 2016|ABAC, Access control, Education, General, MIGRATED, OpenPMF|Comments Off on What is Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)?

ObjectSecurity presents OpenPMF at TC3 Telecom Conference

(San Diego, September 13, 2016) - ObjectSecurity, the security policy automation company, will present OpenPMF center stage at TC3 Telecom Council Carrier Connections Conference (28/29 September, Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA), together with partners Huawei, Striim and Opera. ObjectSecurity has recently implemented an OpenPMF pilot for a telecoms ad platform where access to ads [...]

By |September 13th, 2016|Conference, Events, IoT security, MIGRATED, OpenPMF, San Francisco Bay Area|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity presents OpenPMF at TC3 Telecom Conference
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