Access control

Make Access Control Great Again!

During ISSA 2017, Ulrich Lang, CEO/Founder ObjectSecurity will present: Make Access Control Great Again! Infrastructure Access control means many things to many people. The least common denominator is user logins and roles. However, there is a lot (!) more to access control than that. Unfortunately access control is among the most ill understood, least developed [...]

By |October 8th, 2017|ABAC, Access control, Events, MIGRATED, San Diego|Comments Off on Make Access Control Great Again!

Join ObjectSecurity at Cloud Identity Summit 2017

We are pleased to announce that Ulrich Lang, CEO/Founder ObjectSecurity, will take main stage at the Cloud Identity Summit 2017. To talk about Security Policy Automation. Cloud Identity Summit (CIS) converges the brightest minds across the identity and security industry. It is supported by expert speakers sharing best practices and lessons learned from real-world deployments.  [...]

By |June 8th, 2017|Access control, Channel Partner Program, Conference, Events, IoT security, MIGRATED|Comments Off on Join ObjectSecurity at Cloud Identity Summit 2017

Customers are not aware yet of ICS security risks that IIoT Apps bring

IIoT applications bring many ICS security risks to critical industries like manufacturing, energy, oil and gas, chemical, transportation. As a part of CEO Insights, Dr. Ulrich Lang, Co-founder and CEO of ObjectSecurity, explains what are the most critical cybersecurity risks, how to address them, and also what are the challenges and opportunities in this [...]

By |May 19th, 2017|Access control, Company news, IIoT, Interview, MIGRATED|Comments Off on Customers are not aware yet of ICS security risks that IIoT Apps bring

What is Security Policy Automation?

Today’s information age would have felt like out of a sci-fi movie to someone 20 years ago. More data has been created in the past two years than in the entire previous history of the human race. 1.7MB of data is created for every human per second. Within 4 years, we will have generated [...]

By |March 30th, 2017|ABAC, Access control, Education, General, IoT security, MIGRATED, OpenPMF, PBAC, Security Policy Automation|Comments Off on What is Security Policy Automation?

Re-Examining Identity & Access Management (IAM)

There is a lot security professionals disagree on when it comes to Identity & Access Management (IAM). One thing most would agree on is that IAM means many things to many people, and has been shaped more by vendor product boundaries over the years than by overarching architectures, processes, and governance. The basic term [...]

By |March 23rd, 2017|Access control, MIGRATED|Comments Off on Re-Examining Identity & Access Management (IAM)

ObjectSecurity CEO opinion: Cybersecurity Market Failure

We hit the glass ceiling years ago! Hackers are winning unless we change! This slide deck was presented by ObjectSecurity CEO Dr. Ulrich Lang at ISSA Cornerstones of Trust 2015. The cyber security ecosystem is progressing too slowly; few game-changers find adoption. The “good guys” are operating under severe constraints: End-user organizations often cannot [...]

By |January 31st, 2017|Access control, Cyber Security, MIGRATED, Presentation|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity CEO opinion: Cybersecurity Market Failure

OpenPMF 4.0 Explainer & Demo Videos

In this video, ObjectSecurity founder & CEO Dr. Ulrich Lang explains and showcases the major new release 4.0 of our OpenPMF product.  OpenPMF™ makes security policy manageable through automation. It gives you powerful security policy implementation that is also effortless to manage. It allows you to improve protection, monitoring, testing, and documenting – for your information, [...]

By |December 14th, 2016|Access control, Company news, General, MIGRATED, Model-driven security, OpenPMF|Comments Off on OpenPMF 4.0 Explainer & Demo Videos

What is Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)?

Attribute based access control (ABAC) is a different approach to access control in which access rights are granted through the use of policies made up of attributes working together. ABAC uses attributes as the building blocks to define feature-rich access control rules and access requests. An example standard to do ABAC is the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML). [...]

By |November 25th, 2016|ABAC, Access control, Education, General, MIGRATED, OpenPMF|Comments Off on What is Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)?

Access Control in 2016 – What you Need to Know

Access control is one of those topics that often means different things to different people. In its most basic form, it is simply the “restriction of access to a resource.” Unfortunately, as you drill down into what that actually means for your organization, things usually get muddy. For some people, it is simply selectively granting [...]

By |June 27th, 2016|Access control, MIGRATED|Comments Off on Access Control in 2016 – What you Need to Know

Implementing NIST 800-53 AC with OpenPMF™

NIST Special Publication 800-53 (Rev. 4), "Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations," provides a catalog of security controls for U.S. federal information systems. Its 18 families of controls are used as best practice guidance worldwide. The “Access Control” (AC-1) control family includes 25 controls. Some of these controls require significant technical implementations. ObjectSecurity® OpenPMF™ [...]

By |June 20th, 2016|Access control, MIGRATED, Model-driven security, OpenPMF|Comments Off on Implementing NIST 800-53 AC with OpenPMF™
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