What is Security Policy Automation?

Today’s information age would have felt like out of a sci-fi movie to someone 20 years ago. More data has been created in the past two years than in the entire previous history of the human race. 1.7MB of data is created for every human per second. Within 4 years, we will have generated [...]

By |March 30th, 2017|ABAC, Access control, Education, General, IoT security, MIGRATED, OpenPMF, PBAC, Security Policy Automation|Comments Off on What is Security Policy Automation?

Implementing Proximity-Based Access Control (PBAC) using Model-Driven Security

A particularly advanced and highly useful access control approach we have designed and implemented using Model-Driven Security (MDS) is Proximity-Based Access Control (PBAC) . The PABC approach is a highly innovative access control method where information provided to a subject is determined need-to-know based on proximity attributes. It goes far beyond traditional devices access based on [...]

By |May 20th, 2016|MIGRATED, Model-driven security, PBAC|Comments Off on Implementing Proximity-Based Access Control (PBAC) using Model-Driven Security
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