Company news

Infographic: Supply Chain Risk 2021

Our supply chain risk analysis team has put together an infographic about supply chain risk in the microelectronics and semiconductor industry, summarizing macro trends at the intersection of supply chain,  procurement, and cybersecurity. Get the full report here -------------------------->   *) all source citations are in [...]

By |May 10th, 2021|Company news, DO NOT SHOW ON FRONT PAGE, General, MIGRATED|Comments Off on Infographic: Supply Chain Risk 2021

AI-Driven Cybersecurity @ ObjectSecurity

ObjectSecurity has been developing a number of Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven cybersecurity tools for numerous customers over the last couple of years. Using Machine Learning (ML) for cybersecurity is a highly hyped-up topic where "everybody's doing it" (at least in "marketing terms"), but actual tangible solutions are scarce. In this blog post, we present [...]

By |December 16th, 2020|Company news, DO NOT SHOW ON FRONT PAGE, General, MIGRATED|Comments Off on AI-Driven Cybersecurity @ ObjectSecurity

ObjectSecurity awarded “Trusted Sensor Integration” Navy contract

San Diego, Calif. – Jul 20, 2020 – ObjectSecurity, The Security Automation Company, today announced that it has been awarded a Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contract from the Navy to advance the capabilities of the US Department of Defense (DoD). Entitled “Trusted Sensor Integration”, the Phase I STTR focuses on building both analytical/statistical and [...]

By |July 21st, 2020|Company news, Customer success stories, General, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity awarded “Trusted Sensor Integration” Navy contract

Automated ICS Vulnerability Assessment

"Automated ICS Vulnerability Assessment - Are your IIOT devices vulnerable? What’cha Gonna Do About It?" Dr. Ulrich Lang, ObjectSecurity CEO presented insights related to ObjectSecurity's current R&D work in on this subject at IIOT World Days 2020. Watch the recording here: CONFERENCE SITE CONTACT US [...]

By |July 9th, 2020|Company news, DO NOT SHOW ON FRONT PAGE, General, MIGRATED|Comments Off on Automated ICS Vulnerability Assessment

Supply Chain Analytics Case Study

The client is a leading electronics manufacturer based out of North America. The client is well known, offering custom contract manufacturing of PCBs and ITC devices, as well as off-the-shelf components. The client wanted to leverage Object Security’s supply chain risk analysis management solution (“SCRAMS”) to achieve better visibility over supply chain operations across [...]

By |January 14th, 2020|Company news, Customer Case, DO NOT SHOW ON FRONT PAGE, MIGRATED, Supply chain|Comments Off on Supply Chain Analytics Case Study

ObjectSecurity awarded $2.5M Navy contract

PRESS RELEASE: ObjectSecurity Awarded $2.5M Government Contract to Advance DoD Capabilities in Automated Vulnerability Assessment ObjectSecurity is Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve and Automate Vulnerability Assessment for the DoD San Diego, Calif. – Dec 19, 2019 – ObjectSecurity, The Security Automation Company, today announced that it has been awarded a $2.5 Million [...]

By |December 19th, 2019|Company news, Customer Case, Customer success stories, General, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity awarded $2.5M Navy contract

Infographic: Supply Chain Risk 2019

Our supply chain risk analysis team has put together an infographic about supply chain risk, summarizing macro trends at the intersection of supply chain,  procurement, and cybersecurity. Get the full report here -------------------------->   *) all source citations are in the report. please provide your [...]

By |October 18th, 2019|Company news, DO NOT SHOW ON FRONT PAGE, General, MIGRATED|Comments Off on Infographic: Supply Chain Risk 2019

Blockchain for Cybersecurity

Authors: Edward Hackbarth, Ulrich Lang   (Original Version: June 24, 2019) Today we would like to present an interesting use case for blockchain to improve cybersecurity. One of DARPA's original design features of the Internet was to ensure connectivity is resilient to partial failures. This was achieved through decentralization and recovery from failures. With [...]

By |June 24th, 2019|Company news, DO NOT SHOW ON FRONT PAGE, General, MIGRATED|Comments Off on Blockchain for Cybersecurity

ObjectSecurity Completed $750k Contract

PRESS RELEASE: ObjectSecurity Completed $750k Government Contract to Advance DoD Capabilities in Supply Chain Risk Analysis ObjectSecurity is Using Graph Analysis to Improve and Automate Supply Chain Risk Analysis for the DoD San Diego, Calif. – May 19, 2019 – ObjectSecurity, The Security Automation Company, today announced that it has completed a [...]

By |May 19th, 2019|Company news, Customer Case, Customer success stories, General, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity Completed $750k Contract

AFMEP: Air Force Supply Chain Challenge Finalist & ITC2019 expo

AFMEP Microelectronics Analysis ObjectSecurity's AFMEP prototype is an innovative solution to analyze microelectronics circuit boards. It automatically collects relevant information about the analyzed microelectronics device from images and scans of the analyzed device, as well as many public and vendor-provided sources. Thanks to its automation under the hood [...]

By |May 10th, 2019|Company news, Customer Case, Customer success stories, General, MIGRATED|Comments Off on AFMEP: Air Force Supply Chain Challenge Finalist & ITC2019 expo
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