Customer success stories

ObjectSecurity is awarded multi-year “ICSI” intelligent transport systems EC FP7 research contract

ObjectSecurity, an information security leader with a strong track record in the traffic management sector, and the company driving model-driven security policy automation globally, today announced that they have today started a 30-month research contract in the area of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). The project is titled “Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency” (“ICSI”). [...]

By |November 1st, 2012|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity is awarded multi-year “ICSI” intelligent transport systems EC FP7 research contract

ObjectSecurity and RTI Selected for Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Information Security Management Task

ObjectSecurity, an information security leader with a strong track record in the air-traffic management sector, and the company driving model-driven security policy automation globally, today announced a study contract awarded in partnership with Real-Time Innovations (RTI), the world leader in delivering fast, scalable communications software that addresses the challenges of building and integrating real-time operational [...]

By |May 1st, 2012|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity and RTI Selected for Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Information Security Management Task

ObjectSecurity Awarded Joint Air Traffic Management Study on SWIM Civil-Military Interoperability

ObjectSecurity, the leader for model-driven security policy automation, today announced that they have jointly been awarded a study contract by EUROCONTROL that supports SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) WP14. EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental civil-military organisation made up of 39 Member States and the European Community, [...]

By |July 8th, 2011|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity Awarded Joint Air Traffic Management Study on SWIM Civil-Military Interoperability

ObjectSecurity awarded feasibility analysis contract for OpenPMF Cloud Application Security Policy Automation

ObjectSecurity, the leader for model-driven security, today announced that they have been awarded a feasibility analysis contract by UK Technology Strategy Board (TSB) under the Feasibility Studies for Digital Services grant program. The project aims to identify the gaps and solutions around ObjectSecurity OpenPMF™ for cloud application security policy automation as a service: The cloud [...]

By |April 28th, 2011|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED, OpenPMF|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity awarded feasibility analysis contract for OpenPMF Cloud Application Security Policy Automation

ObjectSecurity part of European Space Agency (ESA) project “Next Generation Requirements Engineering” (NextGenRE)

ObjectSecurity, the leader for model-driven security, today announced that they have been awarded a subcontract by Intecs to work with a consortium on the project Next Generation Requirements Engineering (NextGenRE) for the European Space Agency (ESA). The project concerns investigations to improve the state of the art of Requirements Engineering for Space Systems in the [...]

By |November 24th, 2010|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity part of European Space Agency (ESA) project “Next Generation Requirements Engineering” (NextGenRE)

ObjectSecurity part of 3-year EU FP7 crisis management R&D project “CRISIS”

ObjectSecurity, the leader for application security policy automation, today announced that they are part of a consortium that has been awarded a 3 year collaborative research and development (R&D) project with the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7). The project is called CRISIS, which stands for “CRitical Incident management training System using an Interactive Simulation” [...]

By |June 9th, 2010|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity part of 3-year EU FP7 crisis management R&D project “CRISIS”

ObjectSecurity and Promia implement XML security features for next-generation US military security technology

ObjectSecurity, the leader for application security policy automation, and Promia, Inc., a leading provider of secure technologies to government and industry,  today announced that they have been contracted for another project phase by US Navy (with Promia as the prime under a Promia Raven™ engineering & support contract, and ObjectSecurity as subcontractor). The main purpose [...]

By |April 30th, 2010|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity and Promia implement XML security features for next-generation US military security technology

ObjectSecurity and Promia complete milestone towards next-generation security technology for US military

ObjectSecurity, the leader for application security policy automation, and Promia, Inc., a leading provider of secure technologies to government and industry,  today announced that they have completed a joint project milestone for US Navy on a Promia Raven™ engineering and support contract. The purpose of the planned spiral development project is to provide an Information [...]

By |April 12th, 2010|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity and Promia complete milestone towards next-generation security technology for US military

ObjectSecurity and Promia produce next-generation security technology for US military

ObjectSecurity, the leader for application security policy automation, and Promia, Inc., a leading provider of intrusion detection and security technologies to government and industry,  today announced that they have been tasked a project milestone by US Navy to design a vision blueprint and XML information assurance features for the US Navy SOA information assurance features. [...]

By |February 18th, 2010|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED|Comments Off on ObjectSecurity and Promia produce next-generation security technology for US military

Success Story: U.S. Air Force Project Provides Advanced Security Protection for Distributed Systems

ObjectSecurity today announced the successful completion of a U.S. Air Force Research Laboratories (AFRL) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) phase 1 project (AF073-029), which was primed by their partner Real-Time Innovations (RTI), The Real-Time Middleware Experts. The project, entitled “Proactive Determination of Networked Node Vulnerability,” addresses a pervasive need for improved tools to actively seek [...]

By |July 9th, 2009|Company news, Customer success stories, MIGRATED, OpenPMF|Comments Off on Success Story: U.S. Air Force Project Provides Advanced Security Protection for Distributed Systems
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