ObjectSecurity Blog
Check out the ObjectSecurity blog for all of the newest information.
The Need for Better Cybersecurity Prioritization Metrics
Most organizations are overwhelmed, understaffed, and/or underfunded when it comes to cybersecurity. These constraints create a critical need to prioritize on the most critical [...]
What is Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)?
Attribute based access control (ABAC) is a different approach to access control in which access rights are granted through the use of policies made up [...]
AuthoriZation Based Access Control (ZBAC) and model-driven security
Today I would like to share my views about authoriZation Based Access Control (ZBAC) and how it relates to model-driven security (MDS) policy automation. [...]
ObjectSecurity® wins NIST SBIR Phase II Award
San Diego, CA, USA – 18 July 2016 – ObjectSecurity®, The Security Policy Automation Company™, today announced that it has won a second award [...]
Resource-Based Access Control (ResBAC) vs. Identity-Based Access Control (IBAC)
Most technical access control policies today are specified "identity-centric", a term I use for policies that are specified with the accessor (= the requestor's identity) [...]
Implementing NIST 800-53 AC with OpenPMF™
NIST Special Publication 800-53 (Rev. 4), "Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations," provides a catalog of security controls for U.S. federal information [...]
ObjectSecurity maintains mature SecureMiddleware™ legacy CORBA technologies
SecureMiddleware SecureMiddleware is a sophisticated secure, model-driven open source CORBA based middleware platform with security extensions. SecureMiddleware works out of the box with OpenPMF, [...]
Implementing Proximity-Based Access Control (PBAC) using Model-Driven Security
A particularly advanced and highly useful access control approach we have designed and implemented using Model-Driven Security (MDS) is Proximity-Based Access Control (PBAC) . The [...]
ObjectSecurity wins SBIR contract
ObjectSecurity, a leading security policy automation company globally, today announced that the company has won a NIST SBIR phase 1 contract to commercialize NIST’s Access [...]
ObjectSecurity is awarded multi-year “VALCRI” research and development contract
ObjectSecurity, an information security leader (with a strong track record in distributed systems, big data, and internet of things) who is driving model-driven security [...]
Success Story: Bandwidth Optimization for U.S. Navy
ObjectSecurity today announced the successful completion of a U.S. Navy Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) phase 1 project (N123-164), which was primed by their [...]
ObjectSecurity releases Semantic Xwiki
Since 2012, ObjectSecurity is the official author, maintainer, and supporter of the Semantic Xwiki open source project. The Semantic XWiki project integrates XWiki, a [...]
ObjectSecurity and RTI Selected for Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Information Security Management Task
ObjectSecurity, an information security leader with a strong track record in the air-traffic management sector, and the company driving model-driven security policy automation globally, [...]
ObjectSecurity Awarded Joint Air Traffic Management Study on SWIM Civil-Military Interoperability
ObjectSecurity, the leader for model-driven security policy automation, today announced that they have jointly been awarded a study contract by EUROCONTROL that supports SESAR [...]
ObjectSecurity part of European Space Agency (ESA) project “Next Generation Requirements Engineering” (NextGenRE)
ObjectSecurity, the leader for model-driven security, today announced that they have been awarded a subcontract by Intecs to work with a consortium on the [...]
ObjectSecurity supports ESG for HEROS-2/Lot 2 for the 1st German-Netherlands Corps
(Cambridge, UK, 15 December 2008) - In winter 2007/2008, ObjectSecurity supported ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH with technical expertise and consulting services to port the [...]
ObjectSecurity supports ESG in the software delivery of HEROS-2/Lot 2 for the 1st German-Netherlands Corps
In winter 2007/2008, ObjectSecurity supported ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH with technical expertise and consulting services to port the HEROS system from a commercially licensed [...]
ObjectSecurity Named “Cool Vendor” by Leading Analyst Firm
(Cambridge/UK – 04 April 2008) – ObjectSecurity, the leading solutions provider for Model Driven Security Management and secure information sharing in mission-critical industries such [...]