Dedicated Compute Machine:

We suggest that the machine being used to host the ObjectSecurity OT.AI Platform On-Prem, Offline VM deployment be dedicated. The host machine should not be used to run any other applications, processes, or services that may cause resource conflicts with the ObjectSecurity OT.AI Platform. This prevents the installed On-Prem, Offline VM from encountering resource restriction issues (e.g., failure to properly access the RAM, CPU, and storage you allocated for it). If a dedicated machine isn’t able to host the ObjectSecurity OT.AI Platform in your environment, we recommend that you make sure the installed VM has access to the computational resources you allocated for it at all times by other means.


We suggest that you create a backup/copy of the ObjectSecurity OT.AI Platform On-Prem, Offline VM .OVA file provided to you by ObjectSecurity before proceeding with the installation.

Computer (hosting VM) Specifications:

  • RAM – minimum of 16GB of usable RAM – 32GB to 64GB of usable RAM is recommended
  • CPU Cores – minimum 4
  • Available Storage – minimum 80GB of available space
  • System Type – 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Virtual Machine Options:

Note: Other options may be available, but the above have been tested.

[Optional] Multi-Factor Authentication Device:

Note: Organizations may choose to have MFA disabled if they are in an environment where mobile devices/other devices are not permitted. If you need this feature disabled, please email the ObjectSecurity OT.AI Platform Support Team.